Residential Block, 2024
During this exhibition, Asad attempts to answer the question of the feasibility of action as a continuous endeavour and what this looks like, a question that war brings to the surface. He does so at a time when our actions as Faraway People have been restricted to closely observing death, counting its victims, and listening to the cries of the bereaved on a cold and dark night.
The artist also addresses the issue of temporary architecture and reconstruction and questions how the occupation transforms cement from a material that builds and protects to one that kills. He also reviews the forms of Gaza’s isolation from the world through paintings and poetic texts born from the womb of the tragedy.
The exhibition is divided into four collections produced in different time periods.

Mediterranean Sea, 2020
Never knew how to swim ,
I know nothing about the sea except its color,
I’ve never tested the feel of the sand on my feet
Does my father know this?
(Eltifaf / Bypass), 2016
I take a bypass road, farther from where I stand…
Turning around my surroundings, and myself so I can reach my destination. I wander the streets, examining the asphalt, the soil, the checkpoint, and the yellow lines. I know the distances well, and I don’t see much around me… Don’t see… All that is internal cannot be seen rather felt and lived.
After over a year of research and experimentation, ever since the Marj Ibn Amer exhibition, I was struck by how the natural landscape seemed in juxtaposition to its urban and civil surroundings. While trekking across the entire homeland, the scene of the landscape nestled itself deep within my mind, especially when an arbitrary change takes away nature’s purity and primitiveness. How the natural landscape looked - its unified relationship, both in color and form, with its geographical paths and its civil-urban roads developed very clearly: whether contradictory, complementary, or incongruous. I saw the extent of man-made acts and interventions - in all its forms. The changes that occur as a result, and how nature becomes absent.
Marj Ben Amer, 2015
Marj Ben Amer is an extensive investigation into my own relation with the landscape of Palestine. Artworks are deliberately clear of any human traces or actions. Landscape is spontaneous. Nature is pure. This is an attempt to engage with my per- sonal experiences since childhood, a chronicle that first started in my previous exhibition “Narrative”, and continues here, yet comprehensively

Maps, 2006
It was the first time for me traveling outside Palestine, it was the first direct rilation to the Map since i need it to travel allaround London, and then it is the feeling of the homeland, by trying to remmer the borders of my homeland.
This exhibition was created on 2006 during the three months residency at Delfina Studios. the work deals with issues concerning man’s relationship to his surroundings. describing the canvas as explorations into abstract colours and forms found in the natural world. this recent work which was realised in London investigates man’s relationship to his urban surrounding – shifting the artist interest from the serenity of natural landscapes – to examine man’s interaction with the multitude of the city’s daily life and all it encompass from speed, movement, traffic

Narrative, 2006
At the boundaries of our town, we had a small “big” playground, red, yellow, blue, green, stone, soil, narrow road, water steam, fig tree, mud, morning and dove cooing.

Rafat Asad
+970-59 987 0421
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