White Phosphorus 2009

This collection of works was produced in 2009 following the late 2008 war launched by the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip.

Amidst thousands losing their life, I was unable to create any artwork. Shackled by the pain and the horror of what was taking place, I instead turned to writing and produced a group of texts. With time, I was able to return to painting and create this collection.

Phosphorescent White

For dolls in childhood

The taste of brides in their twenties,

And white jasmine.

White is for dreamers

And brides,

And for knights with their horses white.

In Gaza

white is for kids,

The ashes are theirs too,

And for the dolls.


On the white coast,

near home,

was a child dreaming,

Of a doll,

On a Mediterranean excursion, wearing

Clothing of white

and on their White steed.

White Phosphorus، #1, Acrylic on Canvas, 120X120 cm, 2009

White Phosphorus، #2, Acrylic on Canvas, 200X100 cm, 2009

White Phosphorus، #2, Acrylic on Canvas, 150X200 cm, 2009